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    About Epilady

    In 1986, Epilady brought the first epilator to the market and revolutionized hair removal, offering a cost effective, mess-free alternative to shaving and waxing for women around the world. With no nicks, no cuts, and results that last for up to 4-6 weeks, epilating is the ideal solution for smooth skin.


    Many thanks for a great product

    My Dad bought an Epilady when it was first released for my Mum, sister and myself to share. I had just turned 13, so I am fortunate with never having to shave my legs a day in my life. I managed to smuggle it with me when I left home, and have been using the very same Epilady now for 33 years. Today it finally died (just the power cord though, the actual Epilady itself is was still going strong!). Despite it’s age, I never replaced it over the years as I thought you had stopped making the “classic” model and instead had changed the design to the small pinchers (which I didn’t like to look of as much). Looking on-line to see if I could find something similar to my one, I found your website, and was so glad to see the “classic” still being made. Many thanks for a great product. I have to say after so many years of using my Epilady, my leg hairs are super soft and fine, and I only need to use it about once a month. I hope when I purchase a replacement device, it’s just as well made and reliable!
